Question: Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes, we do not offer a guest checkout service. However, by registering with us,

you will benefit from features such as faster checkout and access to exclusive offers and promotions.

 Question: How long will my order take to process?

Processing is immediate at checkout. In order to grant you the maximum freshness,

 we will prepare your order just in time for your booked delivery.

Question: How can I pay for my order?

We accept all major debit/credit cards, American Express, and Paypal.

Please note we are unable to accept payment by cash or cheque upon delivery.

Question: How do I cancel/amend my order?

To cancel your order you will need to contact us at orders@deliciouslyfinefoods.com or call +44 (0)7584 418500 - please have your order number ready.

Terms & Conditions applies.

Question: I've forgotten my password, what should I do?

It's very simple to reset your password, just click on "I forgot my password" when logging in. 

You will be able to reset your password online.

Question: There's a problem with my order, what can I do?

We want you to be completely satisfied with your Deliciously Fine Foods shopping experience.

Please contact us by email at orders@deliciouslyfinefoods.com and we

will endeavour to resolve any problems.

Question: How can I track my order?

Registered members are able to track the status of their order simply by entering in their Profile.

Question: How can I remove myself from the mailing list?

Please select GDPR in the Footer Menu to update your preferences.
